Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our pictures...reverse order.

More interested in putting her shoes into the basket than the eggs. :)

Vaughn's loot.

It was pretty chilly, she looks ready to go inside.

Taking in the scene of chaos...adults AND children running everywhere.
Daddy looks tired after chasing Vaughn. She always takes a mad dash toward the park. Poor thing just wants to swing.

Finding her first egg ever! YAY. How precious

My sweet grandparents got to come to Easter as well. Its a long trip for them to make alone but we were very glad to have them here. They get such a kick out of watching the kiddos and we get a kick out of seeing them so joyous. (though they dont look so joyful in this picture.:)

Vaughn-elise doesnt get to see her aunt mimi much so when she does she likes to get her snuggles in. Several times she went up to her and just wanted to sit and relax. Too sweet, how come she never wants to do that with me?

Me and Matt being weird.

Vaughnie enjoying some easter basket treats.

Marshmallows. How did the Easter bunny know they were her favorite?

Finding her basket. It was soo sweet. She yanked her new bride dolly out of there and was content with just that. She was so excited about it.

Waiting patiently before church...

Her sitter Mel was very brave and dyed easter eggs with the kiddos. This is the one V did by herself. ( notice its caved in....tiny hands and fragile eggs....equals cracked eggs.) Sweet and I wish I could have kept them forever, but unfortunatly they started to stink.

This is the egg Mel helped her make. Look at those precious itty bity fingers.

Hope you all had a glorious, beautiful Easter and that you remember that even though the traditions are fun and bunny ever died for our sins....Hallelujah that Jesus did!

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