Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a great SAFE and fun thanksgiving! I love this time of year! Its so busy and so full of events, family, planning, eating, suprises! I seriously have a JAMMED PACKED calendar from this point forward. I love that! WE had a busy day today. Shopping for TDAY ingredients, picked V up at my parents, moved about 4 loads of stuff to the new place, set up the new place (what we took over-- mostly the play room) and came back home and started cooking. Im pretty tired. Some girlfriends and I are getting up at 2:3o on black friday and I am sure I will be nice and grouchy by the end of the day. I have this thing where people think its okay to take things out of my cart, or out of my hand at the stores...I must give off a vibe that its okay to steal things from me or doesnt just happen on black friday...but all year long. The girls I am going with have given me permission to kick people in the shins if this happen so I am hoping to make it out of the stores with everything i go to get. Can i tell you how mean people become on Black Friday. Im still hoping for a "ho ho ho happy holidays" type of shopping trip- but I gaurentee you- it wont be. People, in general, are mean at 3 am. Just saying. Me included. But its so much fun!

I cant believe what a busy year this has been! I am so thankful for so many things. Hope you all take a little time to think of our men and women serving the country who cant be home with their families on thanksgiving! Love you all and have a GREAT day tomorrow!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What a busy busy busy weekend. We did the tree lighting at Jordan Creek on Friday night- ate out and waited for 45 minutes to see santa light the tree and they just turned it annoucement, no santa....but the fireworks lit on fire in the middle of the lake and then there was dueling fireworks which was neat.

saturday was the worlds most horrible day. It just sucked...I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and rudy was having none of my attitude and that basically led to world war 3....when i fight, i get mean and that was no fun...for anyone.
however, we did get to do our kinney second annual pre christmas shopping trip...which was tons of fun. Due to the fight rudy didnt go and since phillippe was cheering on the Hawks, amanda and I got to do some sister shopping. i love this tradition...the kiddos had a blast at gma and papas and then we all ate pizza and dessert..

my night ended as bad as my day started and by bedtime, i was glad the day was over.

Today I had to deliver something i sold on craigslist, return a christmas gift, run to the bank, be back in time for pictures at my parents house, then ran home and got ready for the Tour De Lights Walk for make a wish foundation. I took V and my good friend took her dog and we had the best time...though realized how desperately out of shape I am. V was singing jingle bells, waving to the lighted santas and reindeer...

when we got home, RUDY PROPOSED!?!?!? I was in shock....after the saturday we had i thought it was never going to happen in the history of the world. (or the worlds future...) guess I was wrong!!!

it was a very "rudy ish " proposal....he's a simple man. We were eating dinner, and i got up to get something and when i got back , Vaughn handed me the box (okay, she threw it at my face) and then he asked me. I have to say, its a big relief....there comes a point when your just ready to be married...when the term bf or gf doesnt justify your relationship and I am excited that I will soon be married to the man I have chosen to live my life with. V is very excited as well....!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What a week. So glad its over and I am super ready for the weekend. We went to the festival of tree lighting tonight. It was kind of lame i wont lie....only a small group of people could see the band and the music from the mall and restaurants was overpowering the band so you couldnt hear it anyways. We waited for 45 min to see the tree lit and they did it without announcing it so we all missed it.... The fireworks were okay until the fireworks display shooter thing caught fire- then it just went down hill. Glad to be home in our warm house:)

Vaughn was sad becuase we had talked and talked about santa being there (as was advertised) but he was not in fact there. i was not about to tromp through 30,000 people to see santa INSIDE the mall, and who knows if he was there anyways. Frustrating. She kept asking if santa had a headache or if santa was sleeping. Poor thing just wanted to see that man! We'll have to take her maybe this weekend to go visit him at the mall. She's very into him right now, but who knows how well she'll do when it comes to getting close to him.
She has now learned jingle bells....i never thought that song could be sung so many times in one day. only she sings "oh what fun it is to play on my corner..HEY" We're not sure where that came from.

Lots more house projects this weekend....

tomorrow is our second annual pre shopping kinney kids shopping day and i am super excited. My parents give us a "percent" of money they have budgeted for us and we go pick out our gifts within the allotted time limit and take them back to my parents and then we all meet for dinner. Last year was the first year and we had so much fun- but it was new, so we were all stressed....this year we know what to expect and it should be lots of fun. It will be a first for Rudy and Maria and my parents are keeping the kiddos. Should be super fun!

I have been having tons of problems...doctors think it is my gall bladder but the last test showed no stones...which is good so now they are waiting to do a test to see how its functioning. Who knows what all that means, but lets just pray it gets to feeling better prior to thanksgiving!!!

Have a super fun weekend everyone....only a few more days til thanksgiving and a few more weeks til Christmas. IM PUMPED! Bring on the holidays!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Much needed coffee break

This time last year my sweet friend of many many many years and I were meeting for coffee at least once a week. It was a great time for me to get away after V had been put down for the night and what girl doesnt need regular girl time (not to mention regular starbucks) For many months this was our ritual and once spring hit we got out of the habit and with summer, forget it. But, we met up again to night and let me tell you what a joy and a relief it is to have such awesome friends. Feels like no time passed at all. It is very refreshing to meet and talk with a friend who knows you well and is always on the same page as you. Makes my week a little brighter. I always feel refreshed. We dont talk about anything profound or anything, but its just good chat time....I love it and hope we continue the tradition for years. Molly, your awesome and am SO glad to have you in my life.

My birthday was this weekend and went well. I love birthdays- for other people but never put too much thought into mine- which is weird since its the day you came into this world- but its always so busy. Friday night rudy and I went to Joe's crab shack. I love that place. Nothing like some good Crab Legs to put someone in a great mood! It made me miss NC since I ate crab Every. Single. Day there. (but NC crab tastes much different and much better) We did a little holiday shopping for Vaughn too.

Saturday we went to town early, got paint and christmas lights for the new place and then spent the day doing yard work, painting, etc. I got to stop at BBW and get some sale items and later went to Old Navy and got some new tops for work. WE met my brother, his gf and her friend from WI at Outback and got to eat some awesome food. It was a good day overall. My mom and Vaughn made me a root beer cake which may be a yearly tradition now. Man, that is some GOOD CAKE!

We have another mouse. This guy is SMART. we have set every trap we know how to...including trying to burn him in the oven and he manages to escape and hide. Its so disgusting. I cant wait to be out of here! I HATE MICE. Alfie has managed to hurt his leg in his attempt to catch the nasty drives him crazy. Us too.

my place is in massive disaray right now trying to sort through things, throw away, pack...its really rediculous and is stressing me out! I hate clutter- though you wouldnt know it- it makes me crazy. I dont like not having a calm place visually...or mentally for that matter. This week my goal is to make it through every room and clear out. We definetly dont have room for "extras" in the new house- simplify simplify simplify! Any ideas on organizing send them my way!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trick or Treating as minnie mouse. she had SO MUCH FUN and keeps asking to go tick or tweeting again to get some "chocate!"

catch up time

I appologize to those of you who read my blog and have had to see the same post over and over lately. I have been in a rut and not felt like writing....things have been so busy that writing it all down seems very teadious. so I wont try. But I will try a little catch up. We bought a house- here in Adel and are officially homeowners. This weekend we are going to do some painting and outside work and are hoping to be moved by the end of the month. Though, I have not started packing yet because I wont lie, I am holding out for a shiny something for my finger prior to me moving. If I dont hold out- it wont ever happen. Thats my story and Im sticking to it.

I have FINALLY gotten a new vehicle, a shiny Buick Rendezvous crossover and I CANNOT tell you how nice it is to be able to get in my car in the morning and not have to worry about it starting, not have to worry about it breaking down on the side of the road, its comfy, its luxurious (it has heated seats- it doesnt take much for me to think its luxurious.) I just love it.

We have another mouse in the house....can I tell you how well I am NOT sleeping due to this? Everytime I fall asleep I dream of a mouse eating me or laying babies under my skin- its rediculous. I am ready to move!!!

I am getting sooo excited for the holidays. Vaughn has been singing about Jesus and Santa and pointing out everything red and green. I am waiting to move to decorate but am soo pumped. I have a large majority of my shopping done and am ready to enjoy the food, cookie exchanges, wrapping parties etc.

I have to share a sweet story- My point of this blog is to preserve the memories i have of V at every age and so, I have to share this- for my own memory...

While laying with V at bedtime, she nuzzled up to me, said "close your eyes mama" and then sang me "you are my sunshine, my onyee sunshine, you make ma happy when skys are CRAZY. You never know DDEEEAAAR how my mommy loves me, peeese dont take my sunshine awaaaaay." Then she kissed my chin and said "love you more mommy!" OHHH...what a dear!

She is starting to really love to pray. many a time while in the middle of a breakdown or when she is getting in trouble she will tell me "we need to pray." or if I am getting after her she says "its okay mommy, i pray for you." What a little stinker- but you cant resist a child in desire for prayer. She's just so precious. I used to dread bedtimes but they are so much fun now becuase she tells me stories, who got in trouble at daycare....last night at dinner she said "torin in timeout mommy. Torin Spit. I dont spit mommy. Boys spit. Boys NASTHY."
and she sings me the itsy bitsy spider, says her abcs (all the way through) she sings twinkle twinkle. I will have to get her on video sometime. She melts my heart and enriches my soul. She's my bestest.