Saturday, February 28, 2009

So, I started the colon cleansing kit this morning. So far, I only have one word to say. NASTY! The pills were not bad, the fiber drink was the grossest thing I have ever tasted. The directions described it as a "delicious creamy banana shake." WHAT? it was the grainiest, feet tasting drink I have ever tried. How will I ever drink that 60 times? (once per day for 2 months) I am going to have to be more inventive with how I drink it, they suggested trying it in a fruit smoothy if you hate it. I will definetly be pulling out the blender and frozen fruit tmorrow ....gag me! We will see if I get results. hopefully!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I surived!

I made it through my 1st week back to work. (and have been able to get ahead on my classes after Ve goes to bed).It was a long, hard week and I have missed my sweetie terribly. It has been hard because at night, we have such a routine that I feel like I dont get time to be silly with her. I am looking forward to this weekend to just hang out and enjoy my babe!

I got my first sponsor for the 3 day walk! I emailed the physical therapist here in town and he is giving me a hundred dollars. I am hoping to get many more local sponsors.Its free adveritising (we are printing them on our shirts) so its nice that he was willing to do that.

I am tired now though and know that six oclock will come too soon. I will take pics this weekend and post.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk

So, as many of you have read in my emails or on facebook- I have made the commitment to take part in the Breast Cancer 3 Day walk in Chicago August 7-9th. I am VERY excited. Its about time we stomp that stupid disease and get rid of it once and for all. I am alittle nervous about having to raise $2300 but i have decided that I want to raise $3000. I will be trying to come up with fundraising from now until the event and cannot wait to get my training schedule to start training. It is 60 miles in 3 days! Luckily I have many months to train for it. I just know so many people who have had and Survived breast cancer or who have died from it. It sickens me! I am walking for all of you! its a big commitment and that worries me, but I would want someone to walk for me if I had ever had breast cancer and i want to do my part to make sure no one else I know, my daughter, grandchildren, myself, my friends, more more people that I know and love gets it. I wish I was walking for no one, but unfortunatly, my list is an arm length long. I would love to get a big team together to enjoy the festivities, camping out, everthing together, but I will do it alone just the same if I cannot find others.

Mel says Ve is doing great at Daycare and I can tell, when I go she is just always having a blast. Makes me happy and sad all at once. Today was too cute, they were playing outside and she was covered in mud and looked like she had the time of her life. Sweet. I miss her all day still! That will never change I am sure.

Well, I have classes to work on so I will get going.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vaughn and Rudy being fashionistas!!! I love that he gets silly with her!

Monday, February 23, 2009

1st day

Today was exactly how I anticipated. Heart wrenching. Today I could hardly say goodbye to Ve. I got her up early to spend time with her and she, I think, could sense something was different. Our morning routine was off. Let me back up and say i cried all night long, no sleep for me. So I woke with a headache from crying which sucked., Rudy got her about five minutes after i should have left so I was scrambling to explain everything to him about the sitter, what to take etc. I kissed ve a million times and was just sobbing. Poor girl was so confused! I left and Rudy said before I even pulled out she was screaming and crying and trying to open the garage door and get out. He said this went on for about 10 minutes and then he was able to distract her. that broke my heart that she was so upset! I am sure my crying didnt help her any. I cried the entire way into work and to make matter worse today was the boring training, reading mannuals etc so my mind was CONSTANTLY drifting to her, what she was doing, how she was handling it. I didnt have phone access or email access yet so i was not able to call and check on her. The bosses took us to lunch so I couldnt even call during lunch! That was devestating. Dont think I didnt cry often during the day. Whenever anyone asked me how my first day was I just cried and said "hard." They probably think im nuts! Mel, her sitter, sent me several text messages letting me know she was doing well and what activities they were doing. That was super sweet and did help alot. She said VE had a ton of fun and didnt fuss once all day...she took a great nap and played well with everyone! That was so nice to hear, she also wrote up a great note about her day. VE was so sweet and wrapped her arms around my neck when i got there and gave m e the biggest hug...that made me cry again! She was so good tonight and very lovey. I hope she missed me, but am glad she had fun at "Busy Bee's learning center." Its a cute little home daycare and she only has two other of which is just a bit older than V.
it was hard to put her to bed because i wanted her to stay up and spend time with me, but she stayed up an hour later than normal and was pooped. Isnt it unreal the empty achy feeling you get when your away from your children? You would think a break would be a relief, but it never is. its just gut wrenching...thats the only way to explain it. Completely incomplete and sad! I am hoping that on Fridays (when Rudy has them off starting next week) they will be able to come meet me for lunch so that will help my day go faster!

Also, insurance is offically the most boring topic known to man. Zzzzzzz....sorry uncle greg but its just not my cup of tea....I kept glazing over and yawning...its going to make for long days and even longer weeks....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

dreadful day tomorrow

Here it is sunday and i am DREADING going back to work tomorrow! I am seriously sick to my stomach about it. I bawled while putting VE to bed and just rocked her and cuddled her and cried. Im such a baby! It is just breaking my heart to leave her! Luckily this week will just be from 11:30-5 (or earlier if I can get there sooner) but still, thats along time. I just wish I could explain it to her and tell her she would be fine and make new friends and that i wasnt leaving or abandoning her and I didnt want to go and that she hasnt done anything wrong and that its not what i really want...i just feel like she is going to think its her fault or that she's being punished. That kills me. This has not been the way I imagined it! I really did think I would get called for the census and am still holding out for that. It is just killing I go, crying again. I am sure its normal for moms to be sad when they have to leave their children and I did it before, so I know that it doesnt get easier on the moms but it does on the kiddos. It sucks that its not right next to my work like it has been in the past. Its hard to know that if she gets sick it will take me a half hour to get to her. I just feel like i am going to cry the entire way to work tomorrow...and probably all day there too! I was hoping to get to go visit the new sitters house with Ve this weekend so she woulkdnt be going to a strange place but they were out of town. I am having rudy go an hour early tomorrow and sit and play with her. I am glad he is taking her, I couldnt stand to leave if/when she cries. boy, im a mess. I hope I get all these tears out by tomorrow! Rudy is dreading it too, he hates that i have to do this....and is hoping by summer something will have changed. he would like me to do in home daycare and i wouldnt mind that either. I keep telling myself this is a good thing for vaughnie, she will make friends and they do alot of art projects and have curriculum and do lesson plans so it will be great for her to learn and experience that with other children. I keep telling myself that....over and over and my heart just knows that no one takes care of babies like their moms do. No one will love her or feel for her when she falls and gets hurt, no one will be able to pay one on one attention to her, no one will cherish those little facial expressions and learning moments like I do.

Ok Meghan, pull it together. Day by day. I just feel like I am failing as a mother. And at the same time i know financially this is a wise move. I went and looked at a townhome here in Adel today that would be good for us. It was small but had three bedrooms, a humongous back yard, really nice little kitchen, big living room, it would be perfect for us...and I could afford it with this job. So I keep thinking of those things. We will be able to bond better as a family on our own and it will make me more confident to be on my own...and yet.....i will miss her every- single- second of the day!

I am gonna need lots of prayers tomorrow throughout the day!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What's wrong little pookie?

This is one of VE's favorite books "Whats wrong little pookie!?" And thats exactly what Ive been saying this whole week. It was definetly not the week I imagined it would be. I wanted my last week staying at home with her to be full of fun, crafts, nice weather, play time and laughs....boy was I ever thrown off when this week came as it did. V, the poor girl, has been the whiniest and neediest I have ever known her. Three pukes and many sleepless nights and non eaten meals later I took her to the clinic today. Of course they said there is nothing wrong with her. She has fifths disease. Thats it. He said its not contagious and she should be over it in a few days. I was CERTAIN it was her ears. She has been pulling on them and sticking her finger inside of them and saying "ouch mommy!" Breaks my heart. Good news though- no ear infection. He said if it doesnt get better in a couple days to take her to her normal ped doctor and have then do blood work. Poor thing. Here is is 6:22 and she's already in bed. We cut our weekend getaway short because frankly I couldnt go another night like last night. Hopefully she sleeps better tonight. Sigh. I feel just rotten for her. Poor thing, sick kiddos are the worst!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today was a really good day. Vaughn did awesome in her class. She was the hit, dancing in the circle. Too cute. I am going to REALLY miss taking her there. She just loves it. Hopefully I can find a way for her to finish out her session.

Tonight is another story. Pushing my home finding efforts even more so. Ready to go out of town this weekend. Needing some mini vaca. Thats all the further I will elaborate.

good night.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some pics.

Its still a semi grouchy day around here. I just dont think VE is feeling well. She wont eat any meals just wants to snack on "cackers" and fruit snacks. She is super whiny and wanting two naps a day again. We'll see how she is tomorrow and might go to the doc if she's not doing better. i was hoping for a great week before going back to work.
my sister asked a good question yesterday, If i feel so against going back to work (at this job) why am I? And the answer to that is 1. to appease others. 2. To enable us to get out and get our own place. i had intended to stay at my parents a few days, ends up its been close to a year and thats just not okay. 3. If something else comes up that enables me to stay at home and or work better hours, I am more than willing to take it.
Those are my only answers.
I have not been called for the census though I may call and see where they are in the hiring process and I feel like it is my responsibiliy to support VE and offer her things and I cannot do that if we are living here and broke. I am very worried about not being able to finish my certificate (which will enable me to do medical transcription from home) if i stay at this job. I will have to see how it goes. :(
This is from the last time we went to the QC. It was rudy's moms birthday so we went to her favorite...Olive Garden. i just found them so I thought id post them. Better late than never.
Aunt Tati and Abuelita Lucha. (Rudy's sister and mom)

Our tent that we built today. She was slightly terrified to go in. This is the only picture I could get before she ran off and wouldnt come back in the room until I took it down. Dang it. Could have been fun!

VE and Mommy.

Dozing in the car.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Sharing her sippy with her baby. Too cute!
On Sunday, i was cleaning my room, as were my parents and so VE was running back and forth between rooms. She came running in wearing dads shirt tied around her like a cape. She wore this for about 3 hours!!! it was too funny, At one point she was wearing a sweat band too. What a character!
Nothing thrilling is happening here today. VE was up 6 times in the night and has been very whiny today. She puked twice. (though once I am pretty sure she gagged herself. ) Weird. not sure if she's not feeling good or what. hopefully that passes soon.
On a sad note, I am really really really dreading starting work. Do you ever just have that feeling that your going against what the " plan is " for you? Thats how I feel about this. That it is not what I am supposed to be doing. I will give it a fair shot though. Hard as it will be. If nothing else it will allow us to get our own place...which is a needed step.
well, Im off to do the laundry.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

daddy and ve eating dinner

you can tell by her hair she is having a good time:)

her expression when she got to sit in the booster seat!

coloring with daddy

in uncle matt's get up

1st walk of spring (this is a few days old)

We had so much fun yesterday (valentines day). it started out rough as I apparently woke up on the wrong side of the bed and thus had some attitude to get over! But i did eventually. We met Rudy in town for lunch at Bostons and Vaughn-elise felt so cool because she got to sit in her boosterseat instead of a high chair. Whoo whoo! I brought Vaughn back home for a nap
(and actually let myself nap with her for once! )and then we met up again around 4:30 and spent the evening at jumpin jacks. It was so much fun. We ate dinner there and all. It was Not busy at all and Vaughn loved bouncing in the big kid bounce house. We only let her do this becuase there were no other kids in it. She had a blast. When she was done with that we played the arcade games and let her ride the machanical toys. I think i have a hidden love for arcades and when i get in one i go nuts! Within about 20 minutes of playing and only 4 dollars in quarters we managed to rack up 1,535 tickets! Whoot whoot! Vaughn got to pick out a new teddy bear and some bracelets and a new ball and a new kite! She was spent when we got done and so we went back home to put her to bed. Rudy and I had intentions of going to a movie but after talking to my brother and hearing that they went to all four theaters in des moines and they all had lines out the door and no parking, we opted to stay in and watch a movie. We had fun.. We never get to hangout anymore with just the two of us. it was weird not having VE there but it was fun. He suprised me with flowers (the first time in 6 years!) and a huge gormet cupcake (he knows the way to my heart ) and one of my favorite horror movies that i dont have yet. 30 days of night. I gave him a gift certificate to a japanese/sushi restaurant here in des moines and new tennis shoes as kind of an inside joke. All in all it was a great day. Today we have managed to do grocery shopping, get my oil change and stop by for some time with daddy. We are home now and am about to get busy cleaning.

Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Friday, February 13, 2009


Its friday, that means tomorrow is valentines day, and also means I only have one more week of staying at home. It breaks my heart, trully. I have thought about it almost every hour. I simply DO NOT want to have to leave my peanut. I dont. Logically, i know she will be fine, i know she will survive and have fun and that her social skills will be better because of it (not that she needs help in that department) but i also know that she may be my only child and that these moments are too precious to let someone else enjoy, these are the moments i will never get back and will for the rest of my life wish I had been there for. tis not that i dont want to bring in money, .I definetly do, i just want to do it and be able to stay home at the same time. I want to be able to cherish her and watch all of her amazing dances and funny things she says and does and i want to teach her things and take her to classes and have all day to just enjoy her. i get why at this point in my life i need an income. I get that. I get that, but my heart is still breaking. i still cry about it, I still wish there was another way. If rudy has anything to do with it I wont be working long. he really doesnt want me to go back but understnads also that i need health insurance and some money. Sigh. i know I will survive but it doesnt make it easier.

Valentines day. Hopefully the crazzy rediculous amounts of snow we just got wont ruin the day! if it does, I guess we'll stay in and watch a movie and cook....doesnt sound too bad either!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

cupcake adventure

The Finished products:)


I love that she loves to help in the kitchen. this will provide many great memories in the future.

I am excited for Valentines day and am just hoping the weather doesnt kiill our plans. When we were little we had the "valentine's day fairy" come and leave us goodies on Valentines day morning. I will definetly be carrying out that tradition with Vaughn-elise and usually do that for Rudy too. Its fun to think about and plan those things..Rudy thinks its silly that I spend soo much time planning for holidays but he has no memories of holidays in his childhood so I think he secretly enjoys it as much as I do and says its neat that we are helping vaughn to have traditinlos and good memories.

My plan today is to bake Valentines day goodies. Cookies, cupcakes...we may save some for tomorrow but I want to have rudy take some to work tomorrow too.
I dont have alot else to write about today. We missed VE's class because she was very cranky and I was having some stomach issues so we decided to just hang low today. I felt bad because we had been talkign about it all morning and Id like to believe she knew what we were talking about. She kept saying "cackle cackle" which is part of a nursery rhyme they sing...its too cute.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mary's and Pamida...what a day!

V-e in her raincoat.
At Mary's...not sure what to think of all the ...stuff.


V-e, loving the sucker uncle matt gave her.

In her new sweatshirt from gma margaret. So cute!

Yesterday was absolutely GORGEOUS! Matt wanted to get out and so did we so we decided to take an adventurous trip to Mary's consignment. Oh boy. Any of you who have ever been there know that it is definetly an adventure. Never know when mice or worse will come crawling out and I always feel like I need a shower when I leave there. They have some nice things...but WAY overpriced and they have alot of junk too. You will see in the picture of Vaughnie (it was her first mary's experience! she wasnt sure what to think....) that you can see several of the trailors of trash behind her. I went in hopes of finding a headboard (getting sick of my pillows falling behind my bed at night.) and I found a couple I liked but they were way too expensive, will keep my eye out at garage sales and on craigslist. After mary's we headed to winterset. Its a beautiful drive there and I was hoping to go to one of the parks there and let vaughn-elise play. Matt had other plans so we made a pit stop at Pamida...yes, Pamida. Who knew those even still existed? We never made it to the park because matt was far too inthrawled with Pamida.

We came home, I made a humongous homemade cheeseburger pizza for supper and then amanda and phillippe and kiddos came over to open gifts from our sweet gma margaret! We got lots of fun stuff and we all got cool t-shirts from Illinios. Vaughn is wearing her new sweatshirt from gma today and she loves it...keeps pointing out the butterfly.

Oh yeah, the homemade donuts I made turned out okay too.... I thought they were delicious...but not as cakey as I had hoped. Anyways, we are home today since the weather is kinda icky today. Im finally uploading some pictures.
A neat thing. Vaughn has officially learned the colors purple and yellow. She will say others but she knows these two and can pick out things that are yellow or purple. Yesterday I put an outfit on her that was purple pants and top and she said without me saying anything about it. "Mama, poople! " and was pointing at the pants. She does this all the time now. Yellow is her favorite and points it out even if there is somehting tiny yellow on another toy. Crazy. but so cute to hear her say them.

Monday, February 9, 2009

In case anyone couldnt tell, Im trying to get you all in a lovey dovey mood for Valentines day by using love themed backgrounds:) Enjoy. And get lovey dovey.

Is this really feburary?

This is crazy! This weather is freaking Fantastic! We drove around town today with the windows down so we could be out of the mud but still enjoying the weather. Vaughn-elise loved it!
I am so ready for it to be like this for more than a day at a time. Its such a nice "breath of fresh air (literally)" though and helped make a better week.

I am getting really emotional knowing I only have two more weeks at home with Vaughn. It sucks and its not fair. I also get frustrated with Rudy (though i shouldnt) that we are not married yet because if we were i could be on his insurance and do what he and I both want....I could do the census while its available and finish up my degree. Its so annoying that I have to work simply to have insurance. Gag me.

We are trying to think of something super fun for VE on Valentines day. Rudy and I are going to go to a movie for our "us time" but both of us really want to make it a day about family love and want vaughn to get to feel special too. I cannot think of where to take her. We might end up at jumpin jacks since they have good pizza and she has a blast there. Any ideas? Please comment if you do:)

I am thinking I am going to attempt to make homemade donuts tomorrow. I dont have a donut cookie cutter but dont know if you really need one. I ll try without. I will let you know how that goes.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

bullet points...

-got a job lead
-had a horrible interview
-felt totally uncomfortable and turned off after the interview
-got offered the job
-took a few days to think about it
-decided to take it
-regret my decision
-want to work for the census as it will allow me to still be in school (which will allow me to eventually work from home next spring), still be home with Vaughn, be outside, make my own schedule, pay is better
-90% of the people told me I should have turned the job down and waited for the census
-the 10% that think i should have take it think the census is a horrible decision.
-Im tired of doing what everyone else wants me to do.'
-regardless of what everyone else thinks, i WANT to be a stay at home mom. THAT is the most important job in the world to me
-Becuase I will be working VE will have to miss out on her classes and activities that she enjoys through the week. That kills me.
-The condos i have been wanting to live in for 2 years are offering a great move in special with free rent until April. I might move there March 1st, waiting to hear back on that.
-Im ready to move on with my life. Get my own place, start making my own decisions, get married, do whats best for US.
-I am sick about taking VE back to the sitter. Sick.

GREAT Saturday

It was a great day yesterday! Not only was the weather a refresher I was needing (I mean common, can we say GORGEOUS!) but the day went smoothly and went off without a hitch. VE and I spent the day playing and hanging out, met Rudy for lunch at pancheros (HIS favorite!) and then we all came back here and hung out together until I left for church with molly. Church was great. I feel like I am learning so much more than ever before. I love how he doesnt only talk about the Bible in a "these people who do this suck and are going to hell, only us good people are going to heaven so never mess up...!" type of manner and instead really TEACHES. We talked about Paul last night and after going to church my entire life I never really got who paul was, I didnt know that he used to be a pharasy, I didnt know that he wrote most of the new testement while in jail, I didnt know his relationship with people and it was so clear last a very well explained story and I was amazed that I had heard Paul be talked about in church my whole life but NEVER did a pastor take 30 minutes to give the history and "backstory" about it. I guess I need that because it makes the sermen that much more meaningful for me. The pastor was talking about nero (whom I had never heard of before. Maybe I just suck at listening?) and how he hated Christians so much that when he would have a huge party he would dip Christians in oil and hang them in cages from his ceiling and use the burning Christians as lighting for his party. The way he explained it just gave me chills and realized how far Christians have come in the years past. Another thing I love is that Pastor also talks about his own sins. Its not the basis of his lesson by anymeans but he does use them as examples so instead of using "other sinners" as examples he will say like " a while back i was struggling with this....and I didnt want to listen to God...and this is where it got me...etc etc." Its just neat to feel like he is teaching and not lecturing. I dont know- Im just super glad we are going. Like a million people have approached us about joining a Bible study with them so it might be something we try otu this week..,.

anyways, today we are meeting Rudy's sister and bro in law (pretty mcuh) for lunch at PF changs. MMMM love that place. Alright, gotta go tend do the little one.

Have a great weekend.
PS Thunderstorms in the forcast for Tomorrow....AWESOME!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


This week has been long and hard. I have just been in a big slump. I hate weeks like that. Today is feeling better. My sister gave me a long much needed pep talk/get real talk. I definetly needed it and it helped my attitude alot. Today Amanda watched VE for a few hours while I went to an appt and ran a few places with Rudy. It was nice hanging out with him and it being just us. I missed Vaughn like crazy and actually told rudy we should just skip the errands and go get her. I HATE being away from her. I know she had fun though, she always does with aunt mimi and the cousins. I love that we are close enough to share that time. I owe her a free day to herself and will gladly do that anytime. I love hanging out with the niece and nephew:)

Tomorrow we are hanging out with Rudy and I am going to church with molly while rudy and VE get some one on one time.
Is anyone else IN LOVE with this weather? Oh my gosh! I did not know how much the gross cold winter weather would/could effect me. But this year, I have really struggled, Ive just been in a slump. I trully wish winter was 3 weeks long, December 7th-30th. That would be it for me, enough enough, no more! i am so excited for easter (you all know how I love to plan holidays) and even for Valentines day (as long as the weather stays nice.) I think rudy and I are going to get dinner and go to a movie. We havent done least two years. he doesnt really enjoy going to the movies but he knows I love it so today he asked me if i would like to do that. My sister helped me realize last night that those things are his way of showing his love. I never thought of it that way and always get mad that he doesnt send me flowers or write me nice cards but she was telling me that its not that he doesnt show he loves me, he DOES show it...alot...its just in his own way and that should be even more special than the cliche flowers and cards. it really took 6 years of being with him for me to get it. Thats nuts.

i have been picking up little things on sale for VE for summer/ spring clothes. Its so fun shopping for your kiddos. Its crazy though becuause I am buying 24 months (some things 2T!)) CRAZY! I never thought I would get to the point where I would be buying 12 month let alone 2T! She is growing soo fast. I cannot believe it! Today we were hanging out in the kitchen and she pointed to a book and said "row row row" and it was the row row row your boat book. How did she know that?
Another thing that is totally shocking to me...she loves to sort things. Isnt that weird for this age? I loved to do that when I was like 6. She will go through my box of our shoes and find the matches and put them together, or in the bathtub she will sort her yellow toys and put them on the ledge, her pink toys in one corner of the tub etc. Its crazy to me to watch her little mind work like that and she is accurate. Funny/genious kiddo!

Have a brilliant weekend in this brilliant weather!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dancing Dancing Dancing

Today was Vaughn's dance class again. She is just loving it. And its so fun to see her out and interacting with other kiddos! She was so well behaved and followed all instructions and sat on my lap when she was supposed to. It was so sweet, they turn the lights off and want you to just snuggle your baby while they play a song. Vaughn typically would never go for this, but today she just curled up in my lap and snuggled so tight. It was the sweetest thing EVER. Man I love her! Rudy was so excited to hear about how her class goes. I am glad he gets excited about her learning and having fun. Its sweet. Today just consists of errands after nap time and nothing much else. Should be a laid back kind of day.
I went to BRAVO with Molly last night- my favorite restaurant. Delish. It was a good time. Cannot go wrong with a little gluttony. :)
Its supposed to be a beautiful weekend and I am looking for ward to getting out in the fresh air! Hopefully it melts the snow!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Last night is a blur. VE was up every ten minutes. No exaggeration. I finally put her in bed with me and that didnt help either, but at least I wasnt having to get up and hold her. She would just start screaming. My parents think its because i gave her some of my potatoes from my soup last night that were a little spicey. I dont think so becuase she's the same way today. Grr. I hate these kind of days! WE got up early and went to Rudy's though so I could veg out and get a change of scenery for her. She loves going over there. Her old bedroom is now her playroom so she likes having a place to go hangout like that. Its cute. Its neat watching them really interact. He adores her and she him. I dont have a ton to write about. Her eye is getting better. Scabbed over now but not puffy like it was.
I think I am meeting a friend for dinner tongiht. That will be nice! My parents are going to Illinios this weekend. I know she'll miss them and will be anxious for them to get back.

PS. My soup last night tasted exactly like olive garden. Im amazing! haha.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ROUGH day!

Sigh! Today I asked rudy to come over early ( i wanted him to come at 6:30 and take VE for the morning so I could sleep in and then catch up on some cleaning.) he came at 7:30, but I went back to bed regardless. About 9 he came in and poor VE was crying and bleeding from the eye! Apparently she had tripped on the rug downstairs and fell eye first into my finance book for DMACC. its a hardcover book and the corners are pointy. It was sitting on the coffee table... Poor sweet baby! Its just getting worse. this picture was taken after it happened but its worse...her eye is super swollen and bruised. Her tear duct was hit too and its bloodshot. makes me sick. i put medicine on it and Im hoping that helps. I cannot imagine how badly it hurts. Needless to say the rest of the morning she's not been feeling the best. Tylonol and TLC will be much needed today. Hope you all are having a better day.

On a good note- its my night to make dinner and Im throwing together a Zuppa Toscana soup (a take on the olive garden version- my altime favorite soup ever. ) Ive never made it before but have it in the crockpot and should be delish.
OK, after looking at this picture again I am realizing how much worse it is now than it was...yikes. Now I feel even worse.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A hotel weekend.

My Movie star!
Pre-swimming pictures

There was some dancing show on and she was shakin it!

loving her beautiful self!

We went to the quad cities this weekend. To avoid the details, I am glad to be home! The good part was that Vaughn-elise and I stayed in a hotel and so she was able to go swimming. That was fun. She had fun in the hotel on the big beds and dancing in the mirrors. She was hillarious. After swimming she stood in front of the mirror butt naked and boy did she get down. She was shaking it and then would turn around and shake her booty and watch it in the mirror. Hopefully this phase ends before she gets into too much trouble with it! haha, she was soo funny though. She was dancing like a wild women and saying "hello, hello! hello!" Too funny. She loved loved the pool and would push her legs out and kick. A swimmer? hopefully! It was good to get home and we watched the superbowl with matt and maria. It was fun...

I forgot to mention it was Rudy's mom's birthday! happy 70th birthday lucha! We went to Olive Garden for her birthday. We had an hour wait and then the food was very slow getting there....and it was Vaughn's naptime so it was a crazy mess! food was good though!