Sunday, May 22, 2011


Weekends used to be my refresher, my comforter, my renewal time of family time. This weekend, for the first time, my weekend has been anything but that. Its been painful, full of questions, full of hurt. Without going into too much detail on a public blog- just know that we need everyone to fall on their faces in prayer- like you would to save your own family. I need to know that I have people praying all over for us, that we feel your prayers and that God is able to work miracles in our hearts. This weekend changed my life.

My own pain I can deal with, the pain of my daughter on top of that pain of my heart and mind is more than I can survive. Of that, I am sure.

There is something about pain that comes from love that makes you wonder why you ever loved at all. If we knew that pain of this type existed, I am sure that no one would risk it. At least me, I never knew this sort of pain existed. I never knew there were parts of your body and mind that could hurt so badly.

They say love prevails all things. God, I hope so.