Friday, August 22, 2008

a slight goes

First a confession...I have always claimed to " be just who I am, no one can change that..doesnt matter who i am around- i just am who I am." thats a lie. negetive people affect me in the worst kind of way. Dont they effect everyone that way? It drives me crazy. If you are one of those people who can never say a nice thing and will be offended by this rant- then stop reading. But if your one of those people and would like a blunt wake up call back to reality then please continue.

I have found myself in the presence of negetivity lately. I havent been able to figure out why i am letting it bother me- but it just does. I think negetivity is selfish. I am sure those who complain and nag about everything are probably hurting inside, depressed, mad at the world, tired of life being hard...but you know what? GET OVER IT. We all live in this same world full of bad things, dissappointment, hurt, annoyance, long work days, unapprecitive people and we all have to carry on with our lives and get over it all enough to be nice and positive and a person others want to be around. Is this hard somedays? Absolutely. But its necessary. I am not in any way saying people shouldnt be allowed to have bad, cranky days. Lord knows I can slam a door like its no ones buisness. But when people leave the room when they see you coming because they dont want to hear you complain- that should say something. Do these people even know that they are like that? Are they so wrapped up in why their life sucks that they cannot see how its negetively affecting others. I hate who i am in the presence of these people. I can feel my chest closing and my anxiety level sores. Which is why i try my best to avoid these situations. Its wearing on who i am as a positive outlook is drained, my emotions are raw and it makes you want to just say..." Now tell me why your life is worse than mine? Honestly? What makes your life THAT horrible?" Doesnt it seem like the people who are negetive are the ones with a ton to be happy about? irritates me to no end. Its taking all i have to just shut up and walk away when these people come into my life. I really cannot take it. It ruins my day- thats pretty sad. And they wonder why WE are always in bad moods? GRRRRR....

okay my rant is over. If you read this and got mad- you should probably re-evaluate. If you understood me, then AMEN.

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