Saturday, August 1, 2009


Its saturday. Hip Hip Hooray. We are doing alot of hanigng out, picking up, and playing today. We got up late today (amen) at like 6:45 and let me tell you i never in all my life thought I would say 6:45 is late. Wow. I have been really feeling bad for V lately becuase she's so bored with all the toys she has. She loves to do art projects and thats great, but as far as toys, she just goes from toy to toy and seems disinterested. So, we are taking a bunch to the consingment store today and hit a few garage sales this morning. She got an awesome leap frog grocery shopping cart with plastic groceries and a built in hand held scanner and when you scan the groceries it tells you how many and what it is and then does a fun song. Its super cute and she loves it. She also got a felt story book of cinderella with the felt characters. She's been content all morning playing with those two things....that and looking at the pictures in my medical dictionary. weird. maybe we have a doctor on our hands.

There is really not much going on....Tomorrow my sister and i are taking the kids down to see my grandparents. We are cooking them dinner and will hang out....should be nice. we dont see them often enough.

Oh!!! and Vaughn-elise went poop in the BIG GIRL POTTY TODAY!!!! She was so proud, so was I....whoop whoop. what a celebration we had. She just hugged and hugged me she was so excited. Sweet. She's growing up :(

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