Dearest Vaughn-elise, My third mothers day with you is more than I ever could have imagined. You have blessed my life beyond all measure, you have challenged my life, changed my life and given me life. You have made me a better person, a harder worker, more patient, more imaginative, more joyous. You my sweet dear, are my life. You are my heart, my thoughts and my truest of love. Thank you sweet girl for being such an amazing, wonderful, intuitive, precious child. You are growing into such a gem and I just hope you know every single day of your life how much I love being your mother and how much every single day I cherish you and praise our God for you! You are all I have ever wanted and very much more. My sunshine-I love you to the moon and back, Mommy
To all moms out there, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
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