Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mr. (future) President Obama

I feel very blessed to live in this country- to live in a country where we can choose to change the path, the horrible path that America has been led down for such a long time now. I am excited to see the changes in the future-- though I am not naive and understand all may not be good has to be better than the way we are at this point. America has so many enemies and I cannot imagine those bonds could be more worse of than they are at this point. I know not everyone (obviously) is in support of this president but I have to say i am proud that America has made such strides, that the race barrier is no longer an issue for those who have always struggled with that and that we can finally get fresh eyes in office. I hope this country is able to come together and have EVERYONE, even those who wish mccain would have won, support Obama and bring this country back to a group of people instead of millions of individuals. I know people are sayign we need less govnt not more...I agree to an extent, but look at where that has gotten us. Not only that, but the govnt has greatly interfered in our lives by allowing this nation to be flushed down the toilet, by creating wars to fight other peoples battles instead of focusing our undying attention on the country that burtally attacked our own great country. THAT was a war I approved of!

I will stop....and I hope all of the McCain supporters can find it in them to stop as well. Obama is ALL of our president, for good or bad...just as Bush was...for good or for bad. I will continue to pray for him and for our country and he, like any president, will do the best job he knows how to do...


mrs t said...

amen, rockin sis!!! just what i've been thinking about. i'm super annoyed at some peoples extreme views on him becoming president. you would have thought that satin himself was elected. boy, have they got some things to put into perspective!!

Meg said...

I think thats just it...I think many of them REALLY believe he is satin...or the anit christ as they put it.

The Desjardin Family said...

i will never support obama. period.