Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hump Day

Thank God its wednesday "Hump day" And i have the day off tomorrow. I left work early to go to the doctor and was relieved to have a short day. Getting over the sore throat part of being sick- but am insanely congested now. My doctor perscribed some nasal decongestant- but of course, i left the clinic before i realized he didnt give me the paper...hopefully he will call it in- I cant do another night of not breathing. The girls at work laughed at me today because i was out of breath just eating....couldnt get air through my mouth or nose! Not my idea of fun. Im just hoping its all cleared up by the time my Csection comes!! I am looking forward to a day off tomorrow and a weekend ahead. The days seem to be longer and longer now and im just ready for some time away from the clients and coworkers and everyday routine. I have a feeling that these last few days off before the big day will be spent cleaning and organizing and laundry and getting things i realize i dont have....

Oh errands, nose blowing, coughing and sniffing....thats all i do these days.

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