Saturday, September 15, 2007

Am I dreaming??

So, i have to say, I was slightly embarrassed to be a hawk fan today. Did you see that game?? I dont know about you all- but with a team like ours against a team like state, there should have been no competition. Sigh- good thing football is just a game and not a life or death situation (although on days like this- it seems like it sometimes).

I am really struggling with some minor, yet seemingly large decisions about ms. vaughn-elise's birth. Rudy and i have discussed, that in a perfect world- visitors would wait until day two or three to come to the hospital. This, however, seems to be causing some disgruntled people in my life.
The day will be stressful and nerve racking enough-full of waiting- from the amnio to waiting for the results of the amnio, to the time of the surgery etc etc and nothing will be decided until that day. THere is always a chance that even with amnio, she could come out under developed and have to be in the ICU. This of course, is my worst fear and i would prefer not to have a ton of people around in case this happens.
However, nobody seems understanding of the fact that this is not only my first time doing this- but that im having surgery and will be feeling like crap and in pain and will, for the first time ever, just want to look at and hold my precious sweet baby and get to know the little gal ive been living with for 9 months. While i have been extremely verbal that the only people i want at the hospital that day is rudy and my parents/sister/ brother.... everyone seems to think they are the exception to the rule. When i verbalize this- they think i am talking about everyone but them. Im not. I really only want those people there- the people i feel comfortable throwing up in front of (as i alwyas do after any time of surgery) and people ifeel comfortable being int he room if i want to sleep- need to pee- have to get checked etc. I dont want to fight with people about washing their hands when they come visit or feel like, as i saw in my sisters case, everyone got to hold her but the mom and dad.

If people want to come- I am glad to have their support and definetly want them to come- just not until day two, etc. I really do want everyone to see her and by not wanting them there the first day- am not in anyway trying to hurt thier feelings or make them mad...but this is our day- a day for our family- the first day of hte rest of my life and i just want to revel in that and enjoy it and not have to entertain or be bothered.

There are several people who have voiced that they are planning on taking the day off work to be there...all day??? how do I make it clear that i really want this to be a bonding thing with my baby and my family and not a show for everyone else who wants to see and hold her first. SHe will be here for a very long time-if people can just hold off ONE DAY, it would be so much less stressful- but this seems to be impossible. Chances are we wont even know I am going into surgery until the afternoon and then will be in recovery until late afternoon and then it will be evening and i will want to rest and we will all be exhuasted and emotional.

It makes me trully sad that she is so comfortable in there and so warm and familiar- and then all of a sudden will be ripped from her home and brought into a cold, bright unfamiliar world and be passed from person to person when the only things she knows is the comfort of her mom and security of the womb. I cry every time i think of this- I know all babies have to go through this- but i just cant imagine how scared babies must be...

SIGH- I am blessed to have the support that I have and to have so many people who want to share this with me...i feel like a horrible person for wanting to keep it small (even for just one day.) Any advice on how to deal with this- let me know.

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