Today was a stay in your pjs and snuggle all day sort of day. It was great. Even though vaughnie was not feeling up to par, she was perfect little angel and just was even more snuggly than usual. It was great. We just slept snuggled up on the couch off and on all morning and even though i need to clean and make some phone calls, send some thank yous and rearrange the living room- i was c ontent doing nothing. The doctor said just to keep "sucking the snot out of her nose" and use a vaporizor and that should help. Her cough has calmed down some and she did great last night. She was up every two hours, but just ate and went back to bed... and when she was sleeping- it seemed to be a deeper sleep than normal-which was nice. WE just put her in the car seat to sleep so that she was at an incline and the drainage wouldnt choke or gag her. I hate that when im sick! My mom and i are headed over to my sisters for some girl time with oprah and then its just a chill night. No plans- just more snuggling. My kind of night!
Vaughn-elise is 4 weeks old today and that has been so hard, i ve been staring at her all day thinking of how fast its gone and that before i know it, we will be celebrating her 2nd birthday just like we did gabriela's and i just cant imagine that. I want her to stay tiny and snuggly and innocent forever!
1 comment:
i know what you mean. it's hard, but doesn't seem as 'weird' as i thought i would. do all you can to remember the little things. pictures, video, write it down. i have a hard time remembering the way she sounded as a newborn, until i hear it on tape. but those things are more precious than ever. by the way, i think you are doing a great job with her. you're a good mama! love ya!
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