Friday, November 9, 2007


Its friday and even though i dont work- thats a good thing. The weeks seem lonely alot and as i have mentioned, i get stir crazy in the apartment. im sure vaughn elise doesnt enjoy the same scenery alot either. Sometimes just getting out and going to gramma and papas or aunt mimis seems to relax and entertain her some. Baby vaughn had a great night last night and slept three hours at a time. I always, even with three hour stretches, feel like i have just fallen asleep when she is hungry again. But she is so good about eating and going right back to sleep. SHe's such an angel. Our dear friend Ann Cochran bought us the ultimate five way baby wrap and i tell you what! SUCH A BLESSING! Its a great tshirt material and so snuggly and comfy- unlike most of the stiff bulky wraps it really conforms and holds her and she is in love with it as much as i am. THis is the first time i have been able to go to the bathroom or update my blog or do the dishes without feeling guilty for setting her down or without doing everything one handed. I have a feeling this amazing wrap will get more than enough use:) THANKS ANN!!!

Again, thanksgiving is just around the corner, so is gabs birthday and my birthday and alot of my friends birthdays and my dads birthday- this is a big month, but its so exciting. I am trying to decide what to get gabs for her big 2nd birthday as well as recipe searching for something to bring for thanksgiving! I cant wait!!!

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