Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I thought i would take a minute to update this while vaughn elise is taking a nap. I dont think she's feeling very well but had an excellent night last night. She is learning that she can suck on her fingers and i think it kind of weirds her out a little bit- it must feel funny to her, she will suck for a minute and make a weird face and then pull them out and look at me like "mom! whats that?". We had the most fun laying in bed this morning and she was making the funniest faces. She is so annimated. We have been staying inside all week and all weekend as its so cold outside and windy- but i am starting to go a little stir crazy. In a small apartment, there arent many places to go to get a change of scenery or any different activities to do. We might try to get to aunt mimi (amanda's) in the next few days for awhile so gabs and vaughn can mingle:) and amanda can get her aunt time in. Vaughn just loves them both. i love the cooler weather but wish it was a tad less bitter so it wouldnt be so hard to get her out. I know she could use some fresh air too. But for now, we'll stay in and snuggle and nap. I cant complain about that!!!

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