Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Train Surprise

So, I decided yesterday to surprise Vaughn-elise with a ride on the boone railroad. I thought she might like this and it would give her something to "behave for". She didnt know what we were doing or where we were going- just that she had a surprise. We got stuck at the railroad crossing on the way there and she said (perfect) "mom, can I ride on a train someday? I would LOVE THAT." and I said "maybe someday." and five minutes later we rolled into the train station. She Was SO excited. It was great. The train ride was 2 hours and it rained most of the time. We sat outside for the entire ride down, even in the rain but on the ride back the the station we sat inside most of the time until the very end. For someone who gets motion sick easily- this was a bad idea. when we were outside in the fresh air, i was great, When we went inside I started getting really sick. We rode over the tallest bridge in Iowa...dont know how tall it was but we were far far far above the trees and its just a train track up there. she did great and wanted to look over the edge but for the first time in my life, I was a little freaked out by the height so I held her on the bench....but we did sit outside in the open car while going over...
We also went over the des moines river....which she swears she saw a whale in. That poor whale must be reallly lost.


Kaysha said...

What a fun outing!

Kacie said...

What beautiful pictures - your daughter is gorgeous. I grew up in Boone and still cherish the memories of my first and only ride on the train. Glad she enjoyed it!