Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Pictures

This was the best we could get. After 17 photos of V with her eyes clothes- we gave up! That girl is so sensitive to light!

Easter morning egg hunt outside our house

I dont know if you can tell but she has chocolate oozing from her 6:30 am. Ick. Guess its never too early for Chocolate.

Gma, Papa and V on Easter!

G & V (cousins- A is in the background). The bunny came to gma and papas too. So sweet of them to make holidays super special for the kiddos.

This papa....he gets right in and plays too:)

V and me, her proud mama, on Easter. One of the eggs was empty and she said "It's the BEST one cause its empty- like the tomb!!"

These crack me up, this girl CANNOT keep her eyes open for pictures. And the mouth is always open, like a puppet.

Aunt mimi doing a photo op with the kiddos.

The preschool went on an egg hunt to the nursing home/V called it "The Dead Home". This was her FIRST EVER bus ride! She was more excited about that than the eggs!

Checking out her basket at home! She was soo cute.

Egg Decorating!!

 A Little late but better than abundance to make up for the time:)

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