Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy March Y'all!

Ok, seriously, this is my favorite time of year. ST PATRICKS DAY! I feel like its celebrated solely for myself! I have always felt like this. I dont know why and I know its narcissistic but its true. I think the parade is for me, the drinking, the decorating, the special meals...everything. Its kinda fun to have a holiday that EVERYONE CELELBRATES just for you. huh?! So every year we have a leprechaun visit our house. This year his name is Jamison and he made his first appearance today. I was going to wait til closer to but just couldn't contain my excitement. Its St Patrick's Month in our house! (forgive the bad photos...from my phone.)

Today, while Vaughnie was at preschool Jamison left her a note on her headboard announcing his arrival. So excited for all the leprechaun chaos about to ensue in our home.  Vaughn was so excited. She ran into me and handed it to me to read and then in her best "leprechaun voice" which sounds more like a ticked off pirate on steroids said "Arruuggg I'm going to snatch him up and put him in me pocket. Unless its a pregnant lady leprechaun, then I'll let her free."  (Thoughtful child she is.)

She wanted to write him a note back. This is what she said
 "Jamison, Please give me your gold and candy 
(clearly she thinks leprechauns are easter bunnies or something).
 No Messes and DONT DRINK MY MOMS SODA- she'll be MAD!  
I WILL Find you!!!"

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