Friday, February 3, 2012

Well I've been lacking in my blogging---new years resolution-kaput.

Today I had an interview. The ONLY reason I took this interview is becuase I need it even though I loathe the idea of another job- I am doing EXACTLY what I love and want to do- I'm just not getting paid enough to be able to OnlY do that. SPring-Fall is amazing, busy, wonderful, fine. Winter? You suck winter. No one wants their photos taken when its cold and gross looking outside. I feast in the summer and I famine in the winter. So, I'm working on it.

Let me say.....WORST most commical interview I have EVER Had. I laughed several times DURING the interview at the ridiculousness of it. First, I was given a list of 200 words and asked to mark ALL that have been used to EVER describe me by ANYONE in ANY situation in my ENTIRE life. Really? I marked every single one. let me further explain by saying these direction of these words ranged anywhere from "hot" to "fussy" and "audacious" "lackluster" and "non conformist." Seriously?
Then I was handed another paper, same words, and asked to mark the ones I thought actually were me. I checked about half. Stupid. Stupid. Who cares if I have ever been called "hot". I mean, look at me! I'm gorg. :)

Then, every following question from the interviewer in a hooded sweatshirt who rallied her liking for the vikings before even introducing herself, was a "on a scale of 1-10" question. I HATE those questions. BE more specific. Example She asked me "on a scale of 1-10 how creative are you." First, your interviewing for a desk job of keying in numbers.....does this job require even an ounce of creativity? Who the heck cares? And, are we talking about from a dog to Picaso or are you comparing me to my peers or what? I mean, thats not even a worthy question. For the record I gave myself a 7. 

The real kicker question for me was "How accurate would you say you are?" I stared at her blankly and then asked for more direction. "You mean, like, with typing, or keying or filing or what?" and she said......wait for it....."In life." I gave her a thoughful answer of "93% accurate." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?

After this painful experience she proceded to tell me "we are not even sure if we are going to hire or not, we've had 5 interviews and everyone 'seems nice' but we're not sure if we can do the job without hiring someone else or if we decide to hire whether it will be next week or in April or later than that."
I'm you want me to invoice you for my gas money for the trip in here this morning cause I thought you INTERVIEWED PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU WERE LOOKING TO HIRE?!?!?!?! I cant believe I even got out of bed for this woman.

On top of the job situation I need prayers for a messy messy, unfair, issue I am having with my ex husband. I know I will triumph in this area because I have the only legal right to the issue but its going to be messy. I just need prayers for patience and direction cause frankly, I'd prefer to hit him with a baseball bat, slash his tires or burn his house down than speak another kind word to him for as long as we both shall live.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Wow, Meg, what a day. That was a dumb interview! I'll pray for you and the right job or for whatever the Lord wants for you. Also, the situation with Rudy, hard, hard stuff, I'm sure. By the way, you are a Hot, 100%, 10 creative kinda girl!!!!!!!