Monday, August 15, 2011

How Sweet It Is

2011 Adel Sweet Corn Fest. If you have not been to this festival- its worth the trip. Sooo yummy! So much fun! This year we did corn shucking the night before the festival for the first time ever. It was fun. We met my sis's family down there and shucked away. SOOO much corn! Everyone down there sat around, talked, enjoyed the beautiful weather. Saturday's weather was PERRfect too! Parade, corn, childrens jump houses (no pics of this- it was chaotic and I was alone with a 3 year old)....corn dogs, lemonade, sweet tea....perfection. Went home, napped and then headed out for a night on the town with some girl friends. It was a blast! My parents kept Vaughn and I got to just be with the girls. It was great. I ran into some old friends and just had a great time.

poor little munchkin did not know what to think about the sirens! Her little toes were curled up tight the whole time. too funny

corn shucking

soo much corn! 7 tons!!!

the townies getting together for some shuckin good times!

my sister and her husband also shucking corn

these next three pictures are funny. Andre sat there for about 15 minutes straight counting on his hands....content as could be

Today we are laying around. Vaughn is doing some laundry (yep she knows how already! Love it!), we are sorting some clothes and doing some photo editing. Nothing grand. Hoping to get to the Iowa State Fair this week at some point but just feeling all around unmotivated to do much of anything. Blah.

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