Monday, October 1, 2007


Alright everyone, the countdown is on! 24 hours! I have been up all night long- not sleeping more than ten minute intervals-excitement, nerves.... I havent been this sleepless since i was a kid and it was the night before christmas. (ok, i lie, every year before christmas:) I keep waking up and checking the clock, did i go to bed too early, too late? my pillow is too hot, too cold, i have an itch on my feet that i cant reach, back needs scratched, restless legs, growly stomach, im thirsty, the wind is too loud, the room is too silent, my legs are asleep, was that a bug or my hair? I think im going absoultely crazy. ITs one of those nights i have spent whispering to God to just throw down a 2x4 and knock me out for a few hours....or at least some niquil.

We have to be up in an hour to get to the hospital for the amnio. Im admittedly freaked out and nervous about it. Praying her lungs are ready and that the test itself doesnt hurt too bad.
My loving sister came over last night, bless her, and helped me pack my hospital bag- at least vaughn-elise's part and helped me remember that its silly to take my blow dryer and straightener- that ill never use it. (but im taking it anyways- just in case...) Without her input my poor little girly would have been freezing cold with no socks or hat, no bink, etc. I am hoping it all will seem more natural when she's actually here- right now it sorta feels like rollplay. Strange to think im really about to be a mom!!!

I think rudy is equally if not more terrified than i am right now. He seems to be asking alot of questions but not responsive to the answers:) What time do we have to be there? Did you set the alarm? double check the alarm. Do we need to take anything? What are we supposed to do? dO you know where to go? Then what? Then what?

i have been keeping in contact with a friend who is in Alaska, also pregnant and living in the bush, a two hour plane ride from any hosptial, in a town cosisting of 16 female and 12 men. she has had an incredibly challenging pregnancy with alot of scares and i am so blessed to have the best of the best in thier field as my doctors. I really do feel a hundred percent safe with them and cant imagine how her fears must rule her days for the most part- she is so strong and never seems to worry as much as i feel i would!

Babies are such little miracles and i am SO excited to get to meet mine! I have been very sad lately as well though- wishing my grandpa was here to meet her. I always loved watching him and his enthusiasm with the little babies of the family- it breaks my heart that i will never get to see that interaction with my little girl. We miss you every minute grandpa!

1 day left!!! Yikes!!

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