Saturday, May 26, 2012

The times they are a changing

Some moments we sit and think deeply on our lives and what seems the day to day turns into the changes that stick out the most when we look back on these beautiful times. Our lives, here in this humble little home, have changed vastly recently. I took another job, which was intended to be a WFH position but they asked me to take a suite in the new area of Des Moines and I said yes. Its been incredibly painful and sad to walk out the door every morning and see Vaughn upset, tired, sad....I miss her My heart aches throughout the day and I even melt down sometimes. Part of parenting, the hardest part is not the raising of the child its doing the things in your life that you dont want to do so that you can better their lives. We deserve a chance and I'm gonna fight for it. We will be free. So I humbly accept the job- and its uneasy emotions that come with it. "I wont give up on us. Even if the skies get rough. I'm giving you all my love. I'm still looking up."

My heart holds great joy and anticipation for whatever the future holds for us. I know it will be greatness, love beyond possible understanding, passion in bucketfulls and great memories and lessons.

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