Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dear Vaughnie

Oh my love. You are four! How did you so quickly turn 4 years old? I remember holding you as a baby and wondering what your voice would sound like, what your first day of school would feel like, what your little personality would be like. I have never been so blessed. Never. You are my most precious. Every single day you say things and do things that melt my heart. Your sweet smile, your precious face. Your new hair cut-oh my. You look so grown up! Everytime I tell you I love you to the moon and back you tell me "I love you to the sun and back cause its farther away." or when your quietly playing and I say "i love you vaughnie girl" you say softly and quietly while you continue playing "I love you more mama." My cup runneth over. You are a gift. I thought I knew what life was about and daily you teach me, remind me, make me laugh until I cry, make me cry because I love you so incredibly much. This 4th year has been so very trying and difficult for us as a duo....but girl, you hold strong. You remind me that "we'll be just fine mama" or that "we're all we need" or that "its gonna be alllllright." and your right. We got it all right here with each other.  You are wise beyond your years. You still have your most trying times as every child and test me more than I think I can manage sometimes but you have quiet understanding that sometimes things are just not what you imagined and thats okay. We are bound for great things my love. We are about to move into our new home and I am so blessed that you manage changes so very well. You are my everything sweet girl. Your mama is so very very very proud of you. Happy birthday my love. Happy 4th year.

Love you so incredibly much, love your mama :)

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