Sunday, August 29, 2010

Its officially wedding week!!!

I CANNOT believe I am writing week....MY. WEDDING. week!!! Insane. The time every girl dreams of her whole life. I feel sort of numb right now because everything is happening so fast...tonight we are trying to get a few things around the house done (mainly, laundry caught up) so my mom and dad can come tomorrow and we're having a massive deep cleaning session. I have yet to figure out how to take care of these wood floors to make them look good (they are origional and beautifully beat up....but so hard to do anything with. I have thought about painting them cream but am not set on that yet.) Today alone I have done 7 loads of laundry...I am taking a break from folding and putting away to blog a little. Last night we went out for my sisters 30th (vintage) birthday. It was super super fun. We went to a country music dance club and had.a.blast! She was TEARING UP that dance floor. Cant wait to see more moves at my wedding  :)

Monday night:  Order flowers Cleaning
Tuesday night: Practice run on my and my bridesmaid hair.
hoping rings will be in by this point.
Wednesday: huge get together to assemble programs and put together out "surprise" for out of town guests.
Pick up dresses
Thursday night: Helping the people who's wedding is the day before us set up lights so that we can use them too.
Friday: Pick up tuxes, pick up rentals, get candy buffet candy, meet with photographer, nail apts with girls, dinner with girls and friends, out for a low key bachelorette party.
Saturday: Early morning rehearsal, IOWA GAME, last minute stuff, rehearsal dinner, SLEEP
Sunday:pick up cake and then..... "going to the chapel and we're gonna get maaaaaaarrriiied.....Going to the chapel (barn) of love! "
Monday: Leave for the honey moon.

On top of all of this I am working 10 hour days this week and trying to finish up last minute details....without losing my mind. I wish I could afford to take the whole week off!!!!

I am missing Vaughn BIG time. I feel like there has been so little time to really spend quality time with her. Tonight we played play dough and i thought to myself...."I have missed this girl". It has been one thing after another, one errand after another, one appointment, one more thing to do...
My best friend Shan has been a HUGE lifesaver through these last few months. She's a get it done -er who knows how to work a budget like its her job so we've been able to get a lot done...she's helped with vaughn, run errands for me, assembled things and spent countless hours discussing wedding plans. She's amazing. Truly my life saver.

I am going to take a minute to go lay next to my girl while she sleeps, give her lots of kisses (CANT stand the thought of leaving her for week....thus why I have not mentioned that to this point....soooo nervous about that.) and tell her how much I love her...

Then back to laundry....:( See YOU in a couple days!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life is far too short

to be in misery every day of your life with migraines. I got the epi pen so that rudy can administer home injections as emmitrex (spelling) is the only thing that seems to work but makes me throw up, so home injections it is. Fine. I can handle a shot. I have had many a practice with that. 

So after a 2 day migraine, we decided it was time for the shot. I cannot even explain how it went in a way that would describe a clear picture...but let me try...I had decided enough was enough- I would let him give me the shot, we'd put V to bed and watch our weekly show and then by that point- surely the medication would have kicked in.....right?
So... He read the page and half instructions on how to administer it. We fought for a bit about what was the "fatty" part of my arm. Apparently, rudy see's no difference in what I consider "muscle" and what he considers "fat". So, he jams it in, i scream. He has to hold it down tight for 5-10 seconds to get all the medication in (per the instructions). He withdrawls the needles, puts it away and before he is done- My arm and leg HURT, like BAD....I mean this is like 7 seconds  later.  I am drooling, cant hold my head up and felt like my brain was boiling. Within 15 seconds of getting the shot he tells Vaughn "girl, I think your  mama is peacin' out." and vaughns says "peace out mama." Rudy had to practically carry me to the bed and I couldnt speak, move...nothing. It was the WEIRDEST feeling but the greatest feeling because I knew it was doing something...and hoping it was working. I was OUT.....within probably a minute from having the meds. I can just imagined how I looked....and it makes me laugh now....but then i was just a slobbering idiot.

We decided I can NOT have this administered on the airplane or people will think Rudy is kidnapping me!!!

Disclaimer:: Apparently all of these are side effects of the shot as its very strong. Luckily, I didnt get the side effect of soiling yourself as I have read some others have had????

I woke up with no headache...then on my way home- we stopped and got our passports signed up and on the way home from that BAM BAM started coming on again. Its getting worse as the night goes on but not full blown yet. Plan to go to bed in a bit and see if that helps. I cant take the shot every day so ive got to be careful. I am also now taking a daily pill to help reduce the numbers of migraines I get.... hopeuflly in the week or so that should start working and I should be feeling better.

Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

what a rude week....

Today is what vaughn would call "rude".  Thats what she says when things dont go her way- upset her schedule or just tick her off. She calls that "Rude." I agree. Thats a good term (though I dislike greatly hearing it come out of her mouth- it suits perfect....) I have had a 2 day migraine. I.have.been.miserable.  Aside from that I am broke de Broke. Sick and tired of being broke and working just to go under. I cant stand it. Makes me feel even more like working is a waste of time. If your working and spending all your time in a 4x5 cube shouldn't there be SOME Financial ease? Nope. Not in our case. I HATE IT! I am stressed about having so much to do and so little time to do it in. On top of that, my transmission is getting worse in my car and I pay to have it repaired. Vaughn is growing up way way too fast and I feel like I am missing it all. It was the 4th anniversary of my sweet Grandpa Wayne's entrance into heaven yesterday and no matter how long passes I feel like he isnt really gone. I still feel like he was just here a few months ago, yet miss him like he's been gone for many more years. I just miss him so much. I miss deep laugh, his chuckle, his hands, his hugs, his eyes and smiles and the way he just loved us all so much....never will his passing be easy. never.

Rudy sprung on me a couple days ago that now I need a passport. I have asked him for 3 months if i need to order one and he has said no. He now changed his mind and I am running around like an idiot looking for all the paperwork to get my passport in time to leave for the honeymoon. I am super excited to see what he has planned....

Vaughn taught me a good lesson yesteday: We were driving home from the sitters and a girl was pulling the trash back to the house, wearing a red hooded sweatshirt with the hood pulled up. Vaughn said "looky mama! Even little red riding princess has garbage too."

Words from a 2 year old that hit me like a ton of bricks. "even little red riding princess has garabage too."

Man, Isnt that the truth!? So good to know I am not the only one.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Glad to know a few of you still read this. :)

We got our new stove today. After 2 kitchen fires and being without a stove since May 5th- I was THRILLED. But, Of course it couldnt go as planned. I just had a feeling we wouldnt be eating speghetti tonight :( The 1940's plugs that are about 5 inches long and 100 wires apprarently do not fit in the new 2010 stainless steel ovens. Fan-stinkin-tastic. Now we have to have an electrician come and rewire basically the whole side of the kitchen. NOT COOL!

There has been some drama with finding someone to marry know because we are horrible sinners who should have to bow down and plead forgiveness to the world in order to be married. I'll stop. For fear of offending someone. But lets just say.....I have ALOT I could say. Currently- still no one to marry us. Reason #45987 why I wish I would have eloped.  Elvis doesn't care, right? tee hee.

Vaughn-elise.....boy she's sure growing up fast! Sweet as pie one minute and sassy as a sassafrass the next. She is becoming quite familiar with the phrase  "Thats NOT fair mommy! Life is Toooo hard.!!!"  (hand on hip and all).  AND she stomps. Yes. Stomps. And Slams the cupboard doors.....and she has now learned how to scream. Wail. AND throw herself on the floor. She was always too afraid to scream, she just couldnt let it out....but that changed about a week ago. She now SCREAMS!

She's my big size 10 shoe wearing, 3T pant wearing, 4T shirt wearing, hugging, hopping, book reading, puzzle obsessing, mama loving sweet as pie 2 (almost 3 :( ) year old. She also believes in her heart of hearts that SHE is caliou. (that annoying 4 year old whining kid on TV.) Nothing like a little identity crisis before you even turn 3!!! Its funny. Its annoying. Caliou is the most annoying kid (cartoon even so) on the planet!

Hope everyone continues to pray with us about my employment....desire to stay business. We are really praying it kicks off and that it provides ample income for me to stay home/work part time and we are able to use it to pay off some debt. Of course, right now every last cent is used up but come Sept 6th- it will go back to paying other things.
I was really hoping to get the house painted before the wedding but I think that is out. I was really hoping to get the bathroom redone before the wedding too- but i was pretty sure that wasnt going to happen. Maybe before Christmas?

We went to a garage sale and found this silly monkey costume. V loves that thing!