Vaughn has come down with a bizzare rash. she has big spots....that to me look like chicken pox....and she is itching like crazy. Pediatrician thinks its a virus coming out through her skin instead of manifesting in her. Its now spread to a few on her legs and arms and up into her scalp. Very weird. she goes to her 2 year apt friday and they said they'd take a look but assured me it didn't "sound" like anything to worry about. I will post pics tomorrow but left my camera at work. they prescribed benedryl so she has gone to sleep 2 nights in arow in less than 10 minutes. I dont know what to do with all the extra time i have:) maybe i should work out or clean. haha.
we got her kitchen set put together that we got her for her birthday, she loves it....but we need to get some food cause its kinda boring without all the fun stuff.
I am SO ready for Friday. This week has gone fast but i am ready to get some stuff done. I am getting super excited for the holidays and LOVE this fall weather, cool, rainy...bright orange trees....just beautiful! Our year gets insane from here on out. V's bday party with my fam this weekend, next weekend is halloween and rudy's birthday, then Gabi's birthday, then my birthday, then thanksgiving and black friday, then dads birthday, then Christmas parties for work, then Christmas! I just love this time of year! Got a good start on my holiday shopping and am about half done or so....thats really good for me!
I got my car back...finally and its already acting up again. I am looking at a new vehicle tomorrow so we will see how that goes. hopefully I get this one traded before it ends up back in the shop. I am sick of it and ready for someone else to have my crappy car!
off to find ice cream cake recipe for V's party...MMmmm
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Color Drive
Just a couple hours ago we got home from Illinois- it was cOlOr DrIvE Weekend which is my favorite weekend! We had so much fun and I had prayed all week that we would just be able to kick back, relax and enjoy the trip without being stressed about anything having to do with travel. God answered those prayers:) This was Rudy's first color drive and i thought FOR sure he would be annoyed by the driving and viewing of the leaves and stopping at a million garage sales etc...but he LOVED it. We got lost and ended up an hour and a half from our destination and he just kept saying how beautiful the "mountains" were... (mountains equals rolling hills) and we stopped and took pictures and if Vaughn hadnt been asleep in the car we would have stopped at the local restaurants and had a drink or pie and talked to the locals.
While we had a great time, we were also all sick. Myself and some of the kiddos with the upper respiratory stuff, fever, chills etc. Rudy and some others were sick with the stomach flu. Blah.
V and I opted out of the hay ride not only because of how late it ended up being but because of the cold...and being sick...didn't sound like a great combo. We really had so much fun this weekend....the drive home (8 hours with the stops) took it all out of me!
Its always sad leaving my sweet grandma. She has to be so lonely there and she just loves talking to people and telling stories and we do cherish every single time we get to see her and spend with her. I wish she lived closer!
This week is another long M-F and then I have a tupperware party on Saturday (exciting!) and Vaughn's 2nd birthday party on Sunday (super super exciting)
We still have not put together her kitchen set (epic fail on our part) but there are a jillion pieces and Rudy wants some assistance so we will have to wait until some night this week to do it. At this point V is content playing with the metal sink that came with it and the pot holders etc. She's a sweet girly and so was so fun listening to her sing and pray and count and say the "abcdeg's" in the back seat. sweet sweet little lady with a strong strong will.
I gotta go to bed....gotta get rested since I am out of sick time at work. Blah-- its so lame to give paretns the same amount of sick time as those without should get twice as much. Mine has been used up by Vaughn- her sitter being sick/gone and the few days I used for myself. I hate that!
While we had a great time, we were also all sick. Myself and some of the kiddos with the upper respiratory stuff, fever, chills etc. Rudy and some others were sick with the stomach flu. Blah.
V and I opted out of the hay ride not only because of how late it ended up being but because of the cold...and being sick...didn't sound like a great combo. We really had so much fun this weekend....the drive home (8 hours with the stops) took it all out of me!
Its always sad leaving my sweet grandma. She has to be so lonely there and she just loves talking to people and telling stories and we do cherish every single time we get to see her and spend with her. I wish she lived closer!
This week is another long M-F and then I have a tupperware party on Saturday (exciting!) and Vaughn's 2nd birthday party on Sunday (super super exciting)
We still have not put together her kitchen set (epic fail on our part) but there are a jillion pieces and Rudy wants some assistance so we will have to wait until some night this week to do it. At this point V is content playing with the metal sink that came with it and the pot holders etc. She's a sweet girly and so was so fun listening to her sing and pray and count and say the "abcdeg's" in the back seat. sweet sweet little lady with a strong strong will.
I gotta go to bed....gotta get rested since I am out of sick time at work. Blah-- its so lame to give paretns the same amount of sick time as those without should get twice as much. Mine has been used up by Vaughn- her sitter being sick/gone and the few days I used for myself. I hate that!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
pumpkin patch bust

*** THIS PICTURE CRACKS ME UP*** this was the mood of the day. Vaughn: You gotta be kidding me....THIS is what she was talking about? Andre:Im gonna run over there and steel that boys gloves! Gabi:This is rediculous.

Amanda and I have been single over the weekends lately and decided to take the kiddos to a pumpkin patch. I had built up the excitement in V and she was so ready to go. Why did we pick TODAY to go? Its maybe 47 tops and windy. As you can see in the photos...the kids less than enjoyed themselves. We got a few pumpkins but were there no more than a half hour...and that included porta potty break. They had some super neat pumpkins and I wish the weather had been nicer and our men could have gone and I would have come home with a truckload....we'll have to try again in a week or two.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Frustration is getting the best of me...both with Vaughn and with my house. If I have to stare at another white wall or space that is cluttered with junk I will scream. I feel like, being stuck between this place and a house, i am hesitant to hang things or decorate or do much of anything feeling like I will have to tear it all down in a month.
Vaughn....the sweet girl she is has sure turned into the terrible twos. She refuses to fall asleep and its been taking me a min of an hour to get her to fall asleep at night, she screams and cries and throws fits, she is sassy, demanding and just mean sometimes with her hitting and hair pulling. I love her to pieces, and I feel bad for getting frustrated with her but lord help me! She is just so whiny all the stinking time. I know she picks up alot of bad stuff at daycare from some of the boys there and is always telling me who was naughty or who the sitter yelled at that day. and I know part of it is her age. either way- its beyond frustrating. I feel like i if i were home with her, id have more time and more control to reverse these issues. She was doing so well with sleeping, we didnt have to lay with her etc, just take her up there and lay her down...2 min and she was out. Now, i dread bed time the entire day. its not fair to her to go to bed upset and its not fair tha i have to dread that should be sweet time with her.
on top of all that we have a mouse problem. Knock on wood we havent seen one in at least a day now so hopefully they are spreading the words that those that come in dont come out..but we'll see.
Vaughn....the sweet girl she is has sure turned into the terrible twos. She refuses to fall asleep and its been taking me a min of an hour to get her to fall asleep at night, she screams and cries and throws fits, she is sassy, demanding and just mean sometimes with her hitting and hair pulling. I love her to pieces, and I feel bad for getting frustrated with her but lord help me! She is just so whiny all the stinking time. I know she picks up alot of bad stuff at daycare from some of the boys there and is always telling me who was naughty or who the sitter yelled at that day. and I know part of it is her age. either way- its beyond frustrating. I feel like i if i were home with her, id have more time and more control to reverse these issues. She was doing so well with sleeping, we didnt have to lay with her etc, just take her up there and lay her down...2 min and she was out. Now, i dread bed time the entire day. its not fair to her to go to bed upset and its not fair tha i have to dread that should be sweet time with her.
on top of all that we have a mouse problem. Knock on wood we havent seen one in at least a day now so hopefully they are spreading the words that those that come in dont come out..but we'll see.
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