What a win HAWKS!!! Our house was beaming...though interest was not as high during the second half because it was so clear that we had not only stomped them but taken our shoe and ground them deep into their own soil. Must have been ruff to be a cyclone today. hahahahahah.
We went shopping today and stopped into build a bear...mainly just to see if she would be interested in going there at this age or not....I was thinking of having some friends of hers go there for her birthday- that is out of the picture now because she would. not. let. go of this puppy they had there....so, I called rudy and he said just to get it for her. i really wanted him to be there becuase i think its special but she had done so great with me trying on clothes etc that I decided she needed a reward anyways. she is LOVING that silly dog. Though, she did cry and cry and cry while stuffing it becuase she thought she was "hurting puppy." I can imagine from a childs mind that it looks very painful to be stuffed. sweet girl.
I am so anxious to get going on my holiday shopping but know that I will be wanting to do it from now until Christmas and I am scared if I start now I will wish I had waited and gotten somehting else later or else that I will just continue to shop from now until Christmas....neither of those are ideal. I am getting some good ideas for Vaughn and filled up the amazon.com cart with gifts for her but havent let myself order them. I prefer to go to the store and shop, i like to see the things, play with them, read the backs of them and carry them around in case i change my mind while doing other shopping. Online, its so final...click continue and your done....and returns are so much harder. I picked up a book the other day for a birthday present....and she found it and has been asking about it since. (Its a mickey mouse seek and find book and she is currently obsessed with mickey mouse clubhouse). It might be hard to hide gifts....maybe ill have to keep stuff at my parents house until the holidays. I am so excited for her this year because i think she will "get it" a little more.
I am also SUPER excited for the color drive. I cannot stinking wait. September seems like its already been a long month and I think that is because I am such a planner...and september is an empty month for me. october thru December is packed with plans....
i am still trying to find a birthday idea for vaughn's party. I have ideas- but with house looking and not knowing where we will be or if we will be moving that weekend, i dont know the date to plan the party or where to plan it. hope we get something figured out soon!
Have a fun weekend. hopefully we are out of the 80's this coming week and back down to the high 60s. Perfect.