With a house that is. I found one today, actually two that would be perfect- one....I am trully madley deeply in love with. Beautiful. Only downer, a little more than we wanted to spend (by a few thousand) and only 2 bedroom....but other than that its 100% what i want. hmmm....
On another note. I have been feeling VERY lame lately about my blog. Its so mundane and always the same crap. Ill try to liven it up some....my cousin (ironically also meghan kinney ....now married and meghan matt) has a blog and I read hers daily- so inspirational. She is adopting two african babies and writes of their adoption journeys and they are doing some amazing fundraising through shirts, bags, etc on her website.
www.chrisandmeghan.com Meghan posted a link to a girls (Katie Davis) blog who moved to Uganda when she was 18 and started working in an orphan and is now do amazing work for the Lord and has not only adopted 13 of her own chidlren, she also takes in sick kids in Uganda and looks after them and supplies them medicine, food and love while they recover- many she has held while they die, she feeds over 300 kids daily and teaches them school which most of them have never heard of...she is only 20 years old! what an inspiration. Ive been following her blog and I just sit and cry everynight becuase she is so amazing, her stories touch your soul, make it hard to sleep at night, make you smile and be filled with joy and make me feel like i am doing nothing productive! I am attaching a link and will also try to post a thing you can click on to the side....watch for that. I think its important to read things that inspire you, make you laugh, make you cry...not just my boring life that i write the same thing over and over...so ill try to start mixing it up and spicing it up some.
click here to read the most inspirational blog ever. Katie Davis is her name. you will NOT regret looking into this blog. Makes me want to change my life.
On a different note, I am ITCHING to get creative....I need to paint, create, scrapbook, something! I have so many ideas that could be small buisnesses floating in my head and I feel like thats what i am supposed to do. Not insurance, not a crappy nine to five, but a life that I BUILD, that I produce, make, sell, create, do something that I can be proud of...I am just anxious to start doing something, bringin in some extra green, enjoy, relax....ahh doesnt it sound perfect...now to come up with the "plan" and procede. I have several ideas that I could sell. There is an awesome website called
www.etsy.com that is amazing and is all homemade things to sell...its huge...like ebay huge and you can sell anything and everything as long as its homemade. Check it out- there is everything from clothes, excessories, journals, bath and beauty products, art....everything. pretty awesome!
I hope you all check out the awesome sites Ive added here today. You'll love them.