Saturday, November 29, 2008

Today went fast!

Returned some impulse buys from my shopping extravaganza.

Picked up a few things I forgot

Went to the dollar store (we have a love hate relationship)

Played with VE

cleaned the bedroom and partial bathroom

Decorated the Christmas Tree

Played with VE

Watching along came polly.

Then going to bed.

tomorrow is dad's birthday...not sure what the plans are....

Friday, November 28, 2008

Shopping HIGH

So, Im "one of those crazy people" who took off at 3 am to hit the bargains. and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I went alone so I could go as fast/slow as I wanted and shop for everyone on my list. I started with Khols...(I now trully believe the craziest people are khols shoppers.), then to Old Navy (who sold out of their door busters within 9 minutes...lame) and then on to target (another group of crazy crazy people..including me) and then to breakfast with rudy and vaughn, then best buy, then home. Rudy gave me some cash and let me pick some of my own presents out- which I thought id hate, but honestly it was fun...i could see somehting i wanted and not feel bad buying for myself around the holidays! So, I dropped "my pressents" off at his place and brought the rest home. Im so excited for Christmas. What an ADRENELINE RUSH!!!!!!
Im all done now- except for my dad, cause he's the hardest person ever to shop for- so im still debating on him!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

movie night? uhhh...yeah right

what WAS I thinking? did I forget that i am a mom now and of course cannot go to a movie and enjoy it? Rudy called today and said some of the people from his work were going to see 4 Christmases that opened in theaters today. he knew I was wanting to see it and asked if I wanted to go. I had intended on leaving VE home but my parents went to town tonight so i decided, what the heck- I'll take her. It cant be that bad right? She'll go to sleep ten minutes into it. YEAH RIGHT! She spilled pop, cried, rolled around, danced on the seat, screamed, ate some fruit snacks, spilled more pop (and was soaking wet because of it), climbed on some one else's lap, get the picture. Rudy took her out and I can just imagine everyone in the theater saying " WHY ON EARTH would you bring a baby to a movie?" I know I would have been saying that. But hte truth is, sometimes you NEED to get out and do things- but i wont ever do this adventure again...not for another 4 years. No way! I went out and relieved rudy and then missed the next 3/4 of the movie. SUCKY! I was disappointe and felt bad for her that she was so tired and wasnt able to fall asleep. Plus, I was wearing furry black tall boots and my feet were sweating soo bad because it was 10, 0000 degrees in there! Miserable. I am spent. Baby in bed, Mama pooped. Grrrr.....

I am THANKFUL for...

*good health!
*my sweet baby girl.
* a working car
*God has provided enough money for me to pay my bills while I am unemployed...
*my family and friends (cliche but true)
*cell phones.
*warm clothes
*careerbuilder and
*Rudy and his growing maturity and great relationship with VE
*my niece and nephew
*flannel sheets
*Target :)
* a house- I cannot imagine having no where to go on these cold nights.
*God's love and grace even when we least deserve it.
*the internet that allows us to keep in contact with distant family and friends.
*to be an American where our life is about choices
*turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie
*Vaughn's sweet laugh and goofy dance moves


What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

udder exhaustion

Thats me today....completely and udderly exhuasted. i dont know why. I feel like I have mono or something (though im sure i dont since I had it in college.) I am just pooped! Vaughn has been getting up alot in the night lately. last night was bad gas. she went to sleep at 6:35 last night, just fell asleep on my lap! and then was up all night off and on...i felt bad for her because i know that she must have been miserable - her poor tummy was rock hard. Anyone know a good home remedy for babies with gas? please pass it on if you do. I dont think she has had anything new lately so i dont know whats going on. this morning I took her to rudy's at 7:30 and let them play and run errands and I slept!!! It felt great but im still tired. Maybe its the cold weather playing a part. Who blaming it on the lack of solid sleep. i have ALWAYS been a sleeper- I need at least 8 hours of SOLID sleep or I am a walking emotional zombie.I know know how to be okay on less sleep or interupted sleep.

Well Im off to hunt for a new fun recipe for thanksgiving....not sure what to make!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Back ache, paper cuts on every finger, hunchback, tired, stiff neck, sore tailbone. That is what will happen when you offer to do a envelope stuffing job for your mom! :) i think I need some serious physical therapy. After 25.5 hours of stuffing envelopes and putting address stickers on almost 4000 envelopes, I couldnt be more of a wreck. I must be aging quickly cause i am a mess! I was up til 1 am doing it and then again at 6:30 this morning, so needless to say im going on little sleep and sore fingers. But its money so Ill stop complaining now.

Thanksgiving is on Thursday- Mmmmm. I am trying to decide what to make. I get excited to see everyone but through the years the holidays have gotten sad as well as exciting. My dear sweet gma on my dads side cannot remember a thing, my gpa is always sick with something and in pain, my gpa and uncle dont talk, cousins who have lost touch....its always something. the food is always good and its always great to catch up, but the older I get the more i understand that its not always the happy go lucky get together that i remembered as a child. It is sad. But I am thankful beyond belief for my family- as crazy and disfunctional as we all may be. I am blessed to be able to have my grandparents around for the holidays and I will cherish the get togethers forever. What are you r holiday plans?

Friday, November 21, 2008

sleepy craziness

CRAZY. that defines today. Sweet VE is in a GREAT goofy mood and is into EVERYTHING. Its one of those days that I just want to kiss her and cry all in one. I have been trying to pick up the bedroom and get some laundry under control and cannot get one thing done, she's tearing up books, bills, destroying her diaper bin, taking trash out of the garbage, pullingpapers down, eating qtips, pulling wrapping paper off the roll....she's being a little stinker and i have been struggling to handle it today. There is no beneficial punishment for her at this age because she doesnt totally understand it. Normally she stops when I say no...not today. So frustrating. I had just gotten all the trash, papers etc put in a garabge bag in my room wih diapers etc, I turned around to grab somethign she was pulling off the dress and turn around and she had dumped the entire bag all over. Grr....
I am needing some time alone, to go get a coffee, run to the store by myself, just a few minutes alone. I love her to pieces but am needing a short break to rejuvinate myself and come back with a fresh mind. SIGH.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Its official "freaking cold" outside! I am going to have to pull out my mittens and scarves.

Last night was my birthday dinner- I requested meatloaf and cheezy broccoli. It was delicious and it was great getting together. We havent done gourmet night lately so it was nice doing dinner with everyone! Thanks guys for the gifts and great food!

Christmas season is in full swing much earlier than normal this year. Both for myself and everyone else apparently. We went to walmart today to get VE some food and was the middle of the day on a thursday and the place was packed, people were pushy, blocking off isles with their carts and making everyone else wait for them to finish. Its getting plain nasty out there. Normally I love the hustle and bustle and "drama" of holiday shopping....I fight for parking spaces, and battle the crowds and feel somewhat jolly doing it...Not this year (and its not even thanksgiving yet!!!!) I think when you have a child who is screaming, wanting a "cacker", trying to find a restroom to change a dirty diaper in, a baby wanting out of the stroller/cart etc....the fun holly jolly holiday shopping becomes a terror and online shopping sounds much more realistic. So thats probably what I will do this year for the most part.

Happy (grouchy/pushy) holidays to everyone!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am exhausted today. It was a very very long night and today I feel defeated, restless, discontent, and uneasy. I hate this feeling. I hate feeling like how i feel and what I want is not validated. Sweet Vaughn-elise is sleeping. She's such a precious sweet joy to me....and even when i feel rundown and in a rut, she always never ceases to amaze me and make me feel blessed. Regardless of what anyone else says, she is THE BEST thing I have ever done in my life. I cannot fathom life without her and I work daily to make sure she feels loved and empowered. She lightens my world. She was chatting with an old lady at a store today and that lady just kept saying how sweet she is...and she is! The lady was talking to her about a computer and vaughn just chatted like she new so much about it! :)

I am ready for he holidays, ready to decorate, music, the whole bit. I am ringing the salvation army bells next saturday at a KMART here in dsm. Its the first year I have done it so I only agreed to do it for 2 hours but i am excited to see how it goes.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I just had an interview at a Chiropractor's office in went great. Lets pray it goes through. He has more interveiws but he hours would be great....I would still get to spend alot of time with VE so that would make going back to work much easier.

Spent some quality time with friends this weekend and went do dinner wtih matt and maria last night...overall a good weekend. Not alot planned this week...just hanging out with the girly- hoping to get some more christmas shopping done.

Friday, November 14, 2008 25!

Old...yup, thats me! Soon, I will fart cobwebs....

Today was fun. Rudy took VE and myself to Machine shed for breakfast. Mmmm...too much food, but we enjoyed it. Came home, took a nap and then played for a few hours. I met amanda in des moines at the mall and we let the kiddos play around the play area. (small tangent...big kids should NOT be allowed in the play area. they are bullies and selfish about the toys). VE wanted to enterct and play with all the kids and they kept ignorning her. It broke my heart!

We walked around and did some window shopping....and then VE was EXHAUSTED so we went home. I ate dinner at DQ with dad and now we're home watching super manny (a new one wiht a guy nanny.) Im pooped and ready for bed. Big day tomorrow with friends...lunch, shopping, dinner...BIRTHDAY GIRL TIME! I miss my friends and love when I can hang with them for a day...every women needs that. I cant wait.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am getting really sick of being inside all day! So is Vaughn-elise. I was going to bundle her up today and take her down to the park for a bit to let her get out and to give us both some fresh air...and then it started raining. Yuck. While I am home we are going to have to find some other things to do- the mall play area at the mall- the science center (dont know if she's too young for this) -jumpin' jacks...something! I know how bored I am, I cannot imagine how tired of her toys and this area of the house she must be! i feel horrible for her and need to be much better about mixing things up. She painted today which was a fun adventure for her- until she ate the paint, then we had to stop. Baths are fun but then she starts getting cold. Im just frustrated. I know she is too.
Any ideas of some things we can do?
I know we could move out of this one area of the house- but its simply too dangerous-I dont want to have to constantly tell her "No, dont touch that, vaughn, no...stop...thats no...." so i have babyproofed this room as much as possible. If we go to the living room, she wont stay in there and there's nothing in there that she can play with anyways- she j ust wants to get into the pottery, the breakables on the floor, bang on the glass etc...if we go downstairs she is into the boxes of papers laying around, pullling on all the plants, tearing apart the book shelf....she is sick on the bedroom.
I am excited, anxious, and cant wait for her to be able to have a PLAY ROOM some day! She wont know what to do if she is free to roam and play with whatever she wants. I tried switching out her toys some today, putting the ones on top into a separate basket and letting her get into the ones she doesnt usually play with, we played with some in the hall...sigh...

tomorrow is my birthday- 25!?!?!? I am a quarter of a century old...halfway to having a quarter life crisis I think...I feel blah, uncomfortable in my own skin, unsatisfied with where my life is right now, in need of a makeover-mentally, physically and spiritually....
I have gotten an obsession with traveling to antartica lately...i dont know why- i just imagine the breath of that fresh, untainted air would trully cleanse you. I just cannot imagine the beauty of the animals, the glaciers....i have looked it up for a possible long time from now vacation cruise adventure...its CRAZY EXPENSIVE! I looked up volunteer excursions....none. Oh well. maybe someday.

Anyways, nothing big planned for my birthday, my mom is going out with some of her friends and rud works late. I think he and I will go out to eat probably since i got a free birthday burger from red robin and thats what we did for his brithday too. I am hoping to get Vaughn out and do somehting new and fun....Dinner with a friend on, Im old! No parties, no weekend getaways...just another day. But i get to spend it with my sweet gorgeous daughter who brightens my world. What more can i ask?!?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


FINALLY! Last night was a VERY restfull night. VE went to bed at 7:30 when we got home and she slept til around 6 when I gave her a bottle and she fell back asleep til 8:15!!!!!! GOD DOES ANSWER PRAYERS!!!! She is in a great active mood so far this morning. She did just get back on her milk from after being sick...could being off milk cause that much distruption in a baby or is there still something else wrong? I guess time will tell...

Last night was sweet Gabi's 3rd birthday. It was at jumpin Jacks ( a playhouse) in des moines and we had a blast. VE loved the bounce house....its some place we will have to take her again. And I cannot believe little gabs is 3 already!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i think we are on the uphill side of things...vaughn is doing better- though her nights are still rough and sleepless and i battled it all yesterday and am feeling better today. YAY. We will be attending the birthday girl's party tonight and enjoying the festivities! HOORAY!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Yup- she's still sick. She threw up saturday night and twice last night.... still has nasty diapers and cries all the time. Last night she woke up and screamed and screamed and nothing I could do would make her feel better...tried bottle, tried rocking, bouncing, singing, everything...she was just miserable. My parents woke up and took her for a few minutes so I could get some relief and she could get a change and she ended up falling asleep with my dad in the chair so he slept there with her all night. I fell asleep and feel horrible that I didnt even wake up and go give my dad a break. I guess I am able to sleep as long as I know she's being take care of. I still feel that if she is sick, i shouldnt be able to sleep well either...which until that small stretch last night- I havent. She has slept for most of the day today and when she's not sleeping she is crying. I think its more than the flu, its either her teeth (she just got two new ones and is working on 6 more that are almost in...) or an ear thing. Not sure- but I want her better! i miss my sweetie! Gabi's party is tomorrow and i want her to feel great for it. Or at least better. Rudy has it now i next?!
We are taking her to the doctors at 2:30 to see whats up...poor thing.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Not the FLU!!!

Yup- its hit....
Little sweet VE has the flu. Last night she threw up 15 times. She did not fall asleep until 4 am and then slept for 2 hours. Poor thing. I feel horrible for her, she looked so scared and terrified....every blanket and every tshirt in the house was covered and until an hour or so ago this place reaked of throw up. She was doing good, having a fun day...though sleeping lots...until tonight, she was getting tylonol and threw up everywhere. She is sleeping now...poor girl. I hope she has a good night and gets some rest. So much for the flu shot eh? Who's next!?!?

Friday, November 7, 2008


YAY! Its nice to see, though I will miss the fall terribly when the snow decides to stick to the ground. Last night was L O N G! Vaughn was up about 6 times just screaming and crying and it took sooo long to get her to calm down...idk what was wrong with her or if its her teeth or if she had a tummy ache but it was horrible. I felt sooo bad for her and i was just pooped....luckily my mom came and took her for a bit this moning so I could catch up on my zzzzs. Her day is running about 2 hours ahead now....early naps, early lunch etc.....we'll see how tonight goes. the parents are out of town so Im on my own....hopefully she sleeps well.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mr. (future) President Obama

I feel very blessed to live in this country- to live in a country where we can choose to change the path, the horrible path that America has been led down for such a long time now. I am excited to see the changes in the future-- though I am not naive and understand all may not be good has to be better than the way we are at this point. America has so many enemies and I cannot imagine those bonds could be more worse of than they are at this point. I know not everyone (obviously) is in support of this president but I have to say i am proud that America has made such strides, that the race barrier is no longer an issue for those who have always struggled with that and that we can finally get fresh eyes in office. I hope this country is able to come together and have EVERYONE, even those who wish mccain would have won, support Obama and bring this country back to a group of people instead of millions of individuals. I know people are sayign we need less govnt not more...I agree to an extent, but look at where that has gotten us. Not only that, but the govnt has greatly interfered in our lives by allowing this nation to be flushed down the toilet, by creating wars to fight other peoples battles instead of focusing our undying attention on the country that burtally attacked our own great country. THAT was a war I approved of!

I will stop....and I hope all of the McCain supporters can find it in them to stop as well. Obama is ALL of our president, for good or bad...just as Bush was...for good or for bad. I will continue to pray for him and for our country and he, like any president, will do the best job he knows how to do...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


How exciting! We are all making history. I do hope everyone voted. I did. My first voting ever and I feel like it couldnt be more important than right now. obama had my vote today and I was proud to be able to go in and vote and feel like I had educated myself and paid attention and was voting with confidence. It was kind of a nerverackign, emotional day...which i didnt expect! Its just so relieving that we are actually going to get (pardon me) this IDIOT out of the white house and really start seeing some changes. Since I have been personally effected by the economy in the loss of my job i cannot wait for things to start looking up. I will be glued to the TV all night and am so excited to see the results. I didnt get a sticker though- I was bummed about that.


Monday, November 3, 2008

A weekend recap...

Rudy and his nephew both have birthdays on Halloween so they had a big dinner and cake...mmmm

Getting her candy from Janet:)

Grouchy Vaughn, pre trick or treating...

She hid in the closet most of the time before we went out....


What a busy weekend we had! Friday, halloween was fun and stressful. The day went well, we went to eat with rudy for his brithday and ran a few errands. Vaughn is getting 6 teeth in so that made her in a pretty edgy mood. i was so excited for her to go trick or treating...she was much less excited about it. She cried the first hour she was in her costume so we hung around home and let her cry it out....tired, in pain...not a good combo. She snapped out of it though and we took her to 4 people's houses that we know. She was so cute- walked right up and put her hand out for the candy....too cute. Came back and then rudy and I got ready for our friends costume party. Rudy was a make shift raisin, myself- a peacock. It was fun but Im not used to being up past 10 so I was exhausted. Then saturday morning we took off for the Quad Cities. I was tired and hesitant to go especialy with Vaughn's crankiness but she did great and it was nice for her to have a change of scenery and some new faces to entertain her. She was pooped too by the end of the weekend and slept most of sunday. Poor girl- all tuckered out!

now its back to the daily grind...job hunting (waiting to hear about an interview that was last week....cross your fingers)...organizing stuff..selling stuff (good ole craigslist)....trying to entertain the little one....

Have a great week everyone!